Fazl Ali College - Journal
ISSN : 2319-6769 Mokokchung, Nagaland - 798601

Guidelines Authors

Guidelines to Authors -

The Fazl Ali College Journal welcomes articles from authors. The articles should be original unpublished academic work except in the case of review articles. While the articles may be limited to about 20000 words, we want all articles to be precise and without unnecessary details. Review articles are expected to be longer.

Articles should be submitted in Microsoft Word (.docx), open-text-document format (.odt) or in LaTeX. All figures, photographs and tables must be captioned. While the author may insert a figure or photograph is its appropriate location in the text, separate images of at least 300 dpi resolution must be submitted. It is expected that the articles will have proper sectioning like introduction, review, conclusion, references, etc.

Referencing style to be followed is available here.

Every article should have a separate cover page with the following information: